Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Meet the Pack

The husky lady in question
Tails wagging from Texas! We're going to introduce ourselves a bit and talk about what our little pack does. I'm a huge dog lover. To be more specific, I'm a husky girl. No, not like that! I mean I DO love good eats, but we're talking Siberian Huskies. Snow dogs. Enough about me, I want to get to the good stuff...

Katara is our lovely Siberian husky lady. Her hobbies include adventure, swimming, tree climbing (well, she tries), napping and food. Did I mention food? She was all about this blog idea when she heard there might be treat sampling involved. Life was calm and uneventful with a hike here, a nice afternoon nap there, until a month ago when we left for the day and came back with something that changed Katara's life forever...

Puppy love is tough love
 That change came in the form of a 7 pound, 8 week old ball of puppy fuzz we named Luka.

Seems innocent enough
 Luka has been here awhile now and we'll share lots of pics of our time with him as he grows. Our first impressions are that he is less enthusiastic than Katara about treats, but believes all other things belong in his mouth. At least to try. He's definitely keeping us on our toes! We'll keep y'all updated with fresh puppy pictures. He's already much bigger than pictured here but we want to exploit that puppy face while it lasts!

That puppy face!
So what are we doing here? Here's my plan! How about trying some homemade treat recipes and doggie life hacks? Maybe we'll talk about owning huskies in Texas, or even in apartments. And mostly, we want to share our dogs with the world because we think they're pretty darn cute.

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