Saturday, April 30, 2016


Tails wagging from Texas! We take our dogs lots of places, and we know they enjoy the adventure. It's important to get your dogs exercising and exploring. Plus, it gives us humans an excuse to go out in nature and get some fresh air. Our dogs have accompanied us on car trips to visit friends and family, to pet-friendly stores, on fishing and hiking trips and of course to different local walks and parks. They have made lots of puppy friends along the way and sometimes we've even found new human friends through our pups.

As West Texans in a very dry climate, we consider ourselves lucky to live near a lot of bodies of water including the Concho River. If we're not feeling like a car ride, we have a huge nature area a short walk from the house including a series of ponds and a seasonal stream. One of Katara's favorite hobbies is swimming, and long ago we invested in a 30' training lead so she can run and swim in safety. Walking huskies in the Texas summer is a challenge, but planning walks near water helps her stay cool. Luka's not sure about the water yet...but with the rising temperatures we know he'll catch on soon!

We also try to incorporate new experiences into walks. Walking the Concho River, there are plenty of opportunities for enrichment. We see rock squirrels, geese, ducks and of course lots of people and their dogs doing all sorts of things. There are rocks, concrete fences and fountains perfect for working on "up" and "over" commands, bridges over the river and even a water lily garden open to the walking public. We try to take the dogs to the river or on another "big adventure" every weekend, and we walk them multiple times a day, always varying our route or adding something special.

We'll continue seeking out new experiences for our little pack. If you're feeling like walking the dog is becoming a routine or a chore, challenge yourself to make it an adventure every time you clip on your dog's leash. Both of y'all will appreciate it!

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